The Three Greedy Friends Story, Beautiful Story About Greedy Friends

Quite a long time ago, there lived three companions in a town. They were poor. They decided to go to the city to earn money. At the point when they were strolling through the woodland, they tracked down a sack of cash. They chose to separate the cash similarly among them.

They had been walking for a long time. So, they were tired and hungry. They decided to have food One of them was sent to a neighboring village to buy food. The other two friends stayed in the forest. In the wake of purchasing food, he remembered to kill his two companions by placing the toxin in the food.

He wanted to have all that money after killing them. So, he put some poison into the food - On the other hand, the other two friends decided to kill their friend as soon as he came back there. After that, they wanted to divide the money between two.

When he reached his friends taking poisoned food, they immediately murdered him and ate that food happily Soon, they also died because of that food Ine's bag of money was left unclaimed.

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